Estate Analyst Advisor from Estates to Go
We are a group of trusted professionals
with over 70 years of direct appraisal, real estate and liquidation
experience located throughout the country.Estate Analysts can answer all of the questions you may have about the liquidation of your estate. Whether you are dealing with the death of a loved one, or moving to a retirement home, you will welcome our professional, proven and efficient approach.
What's It All About at Estates to Go?
We discuss your goals, time lines and special circumstances to develop your Estate Resolution Plan (ERP).

The prospect of clearing a home that has a 40 plus years of accumulation is seriously daunting. What to keep? What to throw away? What to donate?
The most important advice at this point is DO NOT THROW ANYTHING AWAY. Our experienced estate analyst will separate the trash" from the treasures.
The Intangibles of Estates to Go
- Our Estate Analyst works quickly and discreetly for you.
- We work to get the best prices possible
- We provide and complete solution
- We keep you up to date daily as needed.

Services Provided by Estates to Go
- Appraisal and Pricing
- Estate Sale Preparation
- Estate Sale Marketing
- Pack and Ship “keep” contents to family members
- Clean up and proper disposal of all trash
- Final Accounting and proceeds distribution.